Guidelines for creating a form of integrated mental strength in Buddhist style of Khon Kaen Wittayayon School students in the face of disappointment

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Pharmaha Somphong Paññãdharo
Phramaha Piratkorn Aṁsumãlĩ
Phramaha Somchai Kittipañño
Prayoon Saengsai
Adul Lanwong
Chayun Boonpiyo
Sirorat Prasri


        The research has three objectives of as Follows to study the Buddhist concepts of building up the mind strength. to study the students’ the mind strength to face the disappointment in making the opposite sex friends. to build up the Buddhist-integrated model of students’ mind strength of KhonkaenWityayon School.The samples used in this study were 329 mathayomsuksa 4-6 students, selected by simple random sampling technique. By lottery As for the key informance group, consisting of 1 Buddhist teaching monk, teachers of social studies. Religion and culture areas 7 persons and 1 guidance teacher were obtained by purposive sampling. And find the average, percentage, and standard deviation Both the total and each side according to the method (Likert) and then interpret.
        The research methodology is qualitative and quantitative research with participant observations and in-depth interviews. The group of 309 samples is divided into four groups; Buddhist monk teachers who taught Buddhist subject, the teachers of social studie, religion and cultural areas, the consultative teachers and the high school students at KhonkaenWityayon School.
        The results of the findings were found as follow:
        The concept of applying the principles of Buddhism; Ariyasacca(the four Noble truths), Satipathanasutta (the four Foundation of Mindfullness), the Tisikkha (Threefold Training), Lokdhamma (the eight worldly Condition), Kalyanamitta (Good Company) and the three Tilakkhana (Characteristics), in procedure of studying and teaching to build up the students’ mind strength has support them to be able to face the disappointment in making the opposite sex friends by emphasizing students to understand the cause of problems (Suffering) according to the Ariyasacca- the four Noble truths) mindfully, reasonably and carefully.

The arithmetic mean of 78 students who made themselves a decision or solution in making the opposite sex friend is in the average level with 37.4 %, in the good level of 70 students with 35.2 %, in the excellent level of 67 students with 15.6%, in the fair level of 55 students with 10.1 % and in the poor level of 31 students with 20.1 %. The conclusion of arithmetic mean is 3.52. The standard deviation is 9.37. The result of the arithmetic mean show that decision and solution in making the opposite sex friends is very good.
        In the procedure of studying and teaching of school there is the model of building up the Buddhist-integrated students’ mind strength to be able to face the disappointment in making the opposite sex friends. In school there is an annual activity of the virtuous camp to promote students to building up the mind strength, emphasizing practicing meditation
        In addition, there is promotion of giving knowledge on consultative and suggestive way to properly make the opposite sex friends. Student who have problems in their life can question and consult all the time, by using the virtuous camp activity and the media of the social network such as a Facebook, a Line to communicate in two ways.

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How to Cite
Paññãdharo, P. S. ., Aṁsumãlĩ, P. P. ., Kittipañño, P. S. ., Saengsai, P. ., Lanwong, A. ., Boonpiyo, C. ., & Prasri, S. . (2020). Guidelines for creating a form of integrated mental strength in Buddhist style of Khon Kaen Wittayayon School students in the face of disappointment. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(2), 97–116. Retrieved from
Research Article


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