The Political Economy of Epidemiology and Social Inequality

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Suriya Hanphichai


        This article aimed to synthesize the concepts of epidemiology and social inequality via using political economy analysis with critical thinking which found that : The Pandemic was the recent drastic menaces affecting all countries in the meantime, those countries have been created social inequality by politic and economy causing the long term of stratification. The poor population groups without negotiation power were worse sufferers than the rich with power population groups because of their poverty inaccessible to the public health, ineffective immunity, and physical weakness from hard laboring. In a quarantine period, the riches had comfortable living with watching online movies for relaxing, on the other hand, the poor were lack of income caused by the suspension to prevent the outbreak. The pandemic crisis exploded the unfair economic and social justice which displayed the structural problems and the root causes explicitly. The social inequality made the underprivileged poor face the risks and get inaccessibility to the public services. The pandemic prevention might be a cause of their starvation death.

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How to Cite
Hanphichai, S. . (2020). The Political Economy of Epidemiology and Social Inequality. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 230–244. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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