The Study of Concept Idea for 4.0 Professional Administrators

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Kuljira Raksanakorn


        The objective of this article is to study the components factors and indicators for education 4.0 professional administrators which is the important strategies for school administrators to reform Thai education. This educational change is the plan leads to success according to the will. Professional administrators of education 4.0 are the person who play an important role in educational management consisted of seven components as followed; 1). Knowledge and ability with 3 indicators 2). Leadership skills with 7 indicators 3). Academic skills with 3 indicators 4). Morality and ethics with 4 indicators 5). Modern skills with 3 indicators 6). Characteristics with 5 indicators and 7). Results of performance with 3 indicators

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How to Cite
Raksanakorn , K. . (2020). The Study of Concept Idea for 4.0 Professional Administrators. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 206–217. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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