Program to Creative Leadership Reinforcement of School Administrator's under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 32

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Apinya Yothayut
Peerasak Worrachat


        The objectives of the study were to examine the components, indicators and priority needs and present the program to creative leadership reinforcement of school administrators under the secondary educational service area office 32 phases: (1) Examining the components, indicators and priority needs of creative leadership reinforcement of school was conducted, and a sample from administrators teachers was selected 359 proportionate stratified random sampling between school administrators and teachers, and simple random sampling methods respectively. (2) Programme to creative leadership reinforcement of school had school administrators with Best Practices from 3 different schools give information. For development tools, the program had an evaluation for development collected by 12 experts, purposive sampling. The research instrument was an evaluation form. The data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and priority needs index.
        The results of the study were as follows:
        1.There including Imagination, Vision and thinking skills, Trust, and flexibility. Priority needs sorted in descending order were flexibility, vision and thinking skills, imagination, and trust.
        2.Program to creative leadership reinforcement of school administrators consisted of principle, objectives, content including 4 modules, development activities, and measurement and evaluation. Duration of development was 34 hours. Strategies in executing program development were self-study, training, study trip, and practice.

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How to Cite
Yothayut, A. ., & Worrachat, P. . (2020). Program to Creative Leadership Reinforcement of School Administrator’s under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 32. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 51–61. Retrieved from
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