PLC : Professional Learning Community for Sustainable Community Enterprise Development

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Tichaporn Komnanton
Marisa Anantrawan
Chot Bodeerat


        The purpose of this academic paper is to study the PLC process for professional learning communities. In order to develop a sustainable community enterprise, it is found that the development of the community enterprise process must take into account the 3 levels of community enterprise, which are basic level, development level and progressive level. Born from families, communities to exports, by developing various products to have quality and needs. By using 3 PLC process principles, namely, professionals, learners and communities into processes In the development of community enterprises The process is as follows, starting from setting goals, exchanging with others. To determine the method of action Cooperative planning Study and use items to plan for success Lead to the practice for concrete development by inviting others to participate in various activities Of small-scale community enterprise, namely the family, and gradually expanding to the community level By the cooperation and cooperation of the people in the community In which all benefits occur in the community And lead to the expansion of the network into medium-sized enterprises And the next large.

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How to Cite
Komnanton, T. ., Anantrawan, M. ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2020). PLC : Professional Learning Community for Sustainable Community Enterprise Development. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 159–172. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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