Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Increase Sales Volume of Bio-Organic Fertilizer Product in Yasothon Province

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Thanakorn Tongbor
Pinyo Rattanaphan


        The objectives of this research were: (1) to apply appreciative inquiry to collect the positive experiences or impression on buying the bio-organic fertilizer product, (2) to set up guildelines of increase sales volume of bio-organic fertilizer product of Yasothon Suphanimit Part., Ltd. This study was a mixed method research by applied appreciative inquiry theory. The key informant were 25 respondent from the committee and farmers' group of Nam Om Sustainable Agriculture Community Enterprise Network, Yasothon Province, which were purposive sampling. The data were collected by positive interview. Freqeancy were analyzed to find convergences and divergences experiences. A result of this study was found in the following aspects.
        1.The positive experiences or impression on buying the bio-organic fertilizer product found the key convergences experience included: the committee recommends the use, the quality of bio-organic fertilizers, good relationships with manufacturers, growing plants, high organic content, confidence in producers, certified by the group for use, and produced according to the formula of group.
        2.The guildelines to increase sales volume of bio-organic fertilizer product were 8 projects following: Project 1 Agriculture with Page Lung Yoon, Project 2 Share Fertilizer Test, Project 3 Spreading Fertilizer, Project 4 Soil Improvement and Fertilizer Test Field, Project 5 Lung Yoon On Tour Organic Farm, Project 6 Returning profits to society, Project 7 Building sustainable relationships, and Project 8 Good fertilizer, standard fertilizer with Department of Agriculture. After projects implementation found that the sale of bio-organic fertilizer was 247 tons, it was representing 74.85 percent of the target volumes.

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How to Cite
Tongbor, T. ., & Rattanaphan , P. . (2020). Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Increase Sales Volume of Bio-Organic Fertilizer Product in Yasothon Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 14–27. Retrieved from
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