Sanitation Management Mechanisms of Khon Kaen Municipality

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Ponanun Thongsombat
Sirisak Laochankham


        The objective of this research was to explore the sanitation management mechanisms of Khon Kaen Municipality, including water for consumption, wastewater, and solid waste. The data were collected by interviewing 25 key informants who have direct responsibilities or interests in sanitation management. These included managers of the Region 6 Provincial Water Works (Khon Kaen), managers of the Region 10 Provincial Environmental Office (Khon Kaen), community leaders, and local residents.
        This study found that: 1) While the Municipality does have a network for issues related to water supply for consumption, there are limitations in the authority structure of the agency at the regional level. In terms of wastewater, the Municipality adequately coordinates with the relevant regional government agencies. However, networking with the local administrative organizations needs improvement. We found that the Municipality has a rather good networking system for waste disposal. However, for collection and transport of waste, only some communities have a strong enough network to collaborate with the Municipality. Others need strengthening. 2) In the area of collaboration, the municipality has clear mechanisms in place, but there are limitations in the area of water for consumption, in which the authority structure of municipality is not in line with provincial waterworks authority. 3) In terms of public participation of the local residents, the municipality has mechanisms for collaborating with the local people for waste disposal which are quite good. There are channels for the public to present recommendations. 4) Finally, the Municipality has mechanisms for contracting to the private sector when there are gaps to fill. In any event, this would be conducted more efficiently if the central authorities would delegate more authority to the Municipality, since many obstacles to performance are related to procedures and regulations which sometimes can impede public services.

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How to Cite
Thongsombat, P. ., & Laochankham , S. . (2020). Sanitation Management Mechanisms of Khon Kaen Municipality. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 1–13. Retrieved from
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