The development a Corruption Prevention Model for Future Search Conference of People in Muangdistrict, Loei Province

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Satawat Songkaphan


        This research has 3 objectives: 1) to study the problem of anti-corruption in Muang District, Loei Province, 2) to develop a anti-corruption model by creating a common future for people in Muang District, Loei Province and 3) analyzing knowledge body. And the anti-corruption model by creating a shared future of people in Muang District, Loei District, this research is a mix method between qualitative research and quantitative research.
        The research results were found that 1) Studying the anti-corruption problem in Muang District, Loei Province, found that the major corruption problem There are political investments using money to induce people to choose themselves. There is a policy fraud Procurement Budget management Recruiting personnel that are not transparent Budget allocation is unfair. There is a higher estimate of the standard price. Setting a high budget for recurring expenditures, living expenses and ceremonies. 2) Develop a anti-corruption model by creating a shared future for people in Muang District, Loei Province, found that the development of anti-corruption model in Loei Province Although the values in Thai society today have changed But government officials or government officials in departments of the ministry continue to focus on the prevention of corruption, adhering to rules and regulations as a model for the development of anti-corruption by adhering to the work as a whole. 3) Analysis of knowledge and anti-corruption model by creating a shared future of people in Muang Loei District found that the development of a sustainable anti-corruption model. Organizational culture should be created and ethical for employees in the professional field. As a measure to create values and ethics together. With equal welfare for employees By adhering to transparency and competence of employees In order to be a base for auditing from the government and the public sector Which in the process of organizing people to take part in decision making In order to comply with The concept of sustainable good governanceKeywords: development,CorruptionPrevention Model, Future Search Conference

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How to Cite
Songkaphan, S. (2020). The development a Corruption Prevention Model for Future Search Conference of People in Muangdistrict, Loei Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 28–41. Retrieved from
Research Article


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