Enhancing/Promoting the 21st Century Learning Skills of Chinese Major Students: Project-Based Learning (PBL)

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Sukanya Thonghaew
Kawinkorn Chaijaroen


        Nowadays, it cannot be denied that the 21st century learning skill is essential for Thai students who need to cope with the rapidly changing world. As a result, teaching and learning now tends to focus on the ability to integrate all kind of knowledge and skill in learning. The purpose is to enhance Thai students-to be the qualified citizen- to have the balanced physical and mental conditions, to have the balance of wisdom and knowledge, ethic and morality as well as tradition in living. Due to the purposes previously mentioned, the research study aims to: 1) promote the 21st century learning skills to Chinese major students using the project-based learning (PBL) and 2) compare the students’ 21st century learning skills before and after learning through the PBL.
        The results suggested that: 1) after using the PBL, the students had the high level of 21st century learning skills. All of them gained the highest mean score on life and career skills ( = 4.72), following by the cooperative skills ( = 4.68); communication skills ( = 4.62); learning skills ( = 4.56); creative and innovative skills ( = 4.36) and ICT skills (  = 4.32), respectively. Moreover, the comparison of the students’ 21st century learning skills between before and after learning through the PBL indicated that there is the statistical significance on the difference of the mean scores at .05, and the students gained the higher mean scores after the learning.

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How to Cite
Thonghaew , S., & Chaijaroen, K. . (2020). Enhancing/Promoting the 21st Century Learning Skills of Chinese Major Students: Project-Based Learning (PBL). Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 1–12. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/243829
Research Article


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