Guideling to increase fresh milk drinking of dairy farming promotion organization of thailand (d.p.o.) case study of seniorhigh school in phetchabun province

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Jompun Marod
Chaw Wayoopagtr


        This research aimed to 1) explore the consumption behavior and marketing mix factors influencing decision making to consume the freshmilk drinking of high school students in Muang district, Phetchabun Province, 2) propose a guideline for increasing of the freshmilk drinking consumption of high school students in Muang district, Phetchabun Province. This study is a quantitative research. Questionnaire was used as data collection tool from 380 high school students. Convenience Sampling was employed. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean and standard deviation, together with analysis of the general environment, competition within an industry with five forces model, and make a marketing plan.
        A result of this study was found in the following aspects: the result of consumption behavior; most of the samples drank tasteless natural milk. They drank milk 3-4 times weekly. The reason for consuming freshmilk drinking was its nutritional value and beneficial to health. Marketing mix factors influencing decision making to consume the freshmilk drinking of high school students in Muang district, Phetchabun Province found that marketing promotion was the highest influential, product and price was high, and distribution channels was moderate. Guideline for increasing of the freshmilk drinking consumption of high school students in Muang district, Phetchabun Province, had two projects. Project 1: Packaging improvement, project 2: Improvement and expansion of distribution channels.

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How to Cite
Marod, J., & Wayoopagtr, . C. . (2020). Guideling to increase fresh milk drinking of dairy farming promotion organization of thailand (d.p.o.) case study of seniorhigh school in phetchabun province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 67–76. Retrieved from
Research Article


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