Marketing Mix in Customers’ Perspective on Omni Channel Marketing of the Modern Construction Materials and Hardware Store “Full House Store” in Roi-Et Province

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Ketsarin Kummayom
Bussagorn Leejoeiwara


        Marketing 5.0 focus on using digital media to reach as many customers as possible. That were omni channel by online and offline marketing. The objectives of this research were 1) to study customer behaviors on purchasing products in the category of construction, electrical appliances, furniture and home décor and 2) to study marketing mix in customers’ perspective on Omni Channel marketing of the modern construction materials and hardware store “Full House Store” in Roi-Et province.  This research is a quantitative research that used convenience sampling. Sampling group included 400 customers of the modern construction materials and hardware store “Full House Store” in Roi-Et province. Tools used for data collection were questionnaires. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation.
        The following were the results: 1.Customer behaviors on purchasing products in the category of construction, electrical appliances, furniture and home décor showed that most customers purchased electrical appliances for house uses. The reason that they purchased more products from Full House Store than other stores was because of the varieties of the products to be chosen. Decision making was made my family members and the source of information about the products and online purchasing was Facebook.
        2.Overall marketing mix in customers’ perspective on Omni Channel marketing of the modern construction materials and hardware store “Full House Store” was at high level with mean value () of 4.13. Convenience aspect ( =4.26) was at the highest level, whereas the following 6 aspects were shown at high level; customer value ( =4.17), comfort ( =4.17), caring ( =4.12), communication ( =4.11), completion ( =4.09) and cost to customer ( =3.98), respectively.

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How to Cite
Kummayom, K. ., & Leejoeiwara, . B. . (2020). Marketing Mix in Customers’ Perspective on Omni Channel Marketing of the Modern Construction Materials and Hardware Store “Full House Store” in Roi-Et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 77–89. Retrieved from
Research Article


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