Funeral Business Model in the New Normal Era

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Naruemit Munmueang
Amornwan Rungkoon


        Thai people's daily life is related to Buddhism from birth to death. So there was a funeral business. The objectives of this research were to study the model of New Normal funeral service business as a result of Covid-19 epidemic. In-depth interview was used use in this qualitative research by interviewing 3 funeral service business, that has been operating for 3 years and has a profit of 2 years. Content analysis was used to analyze the data.
        The results showed that: 1.   The funeral service was the type of business that provided the service after the death of 1 foreigner who passed away in Thailand and 2 Thais. The service included the cremating, scattering ashes over water, coordinating with the relatives of the deceased, and carry out on the document of death.
        2.New Normal funeral service business as a result of Covid-19 epidemichas affected the income of funeral service operator for foreigners. The business needed some adjustment and focused more on occupational health and safety of their employees. They had to put on personal protective equipment. Funeral service operators for Thais had to adjust themselves and follow the Government policies: providing alcohol gel for disinfection, practicing social distancing and providing employees the insurance with Covid-19 coverage.

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How to Cite
Munmueang , N. ., & Rungkoon, A. (2020). Funeral Business Model in the New Normal Era. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 112–122. Retrieved from
Research Article


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