The Analysis of Belief’s Value of Ongdam-Chumyen Buddha Image Worship Ritual of People in Kalasin Mueang Municipality, KalasinProvince

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Phra Chaicharoen Ãnanto
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo
Sowit Bamrungphak


        The  objectives  of  Research were:  1)  to  study  the  worship  ceremony  in  Theravada Buddhism;  2)  to  study  the  belief  in  the  worship  ritual  of  Ongdam-Chumyen  Buddha  image  3) to analyze the values of the belief in the worship ritual of Ongdam-Chumyen  Buddha image. This study  was carried out by  means of the qualitative research  methodology  through  studying  documents and in-depth  interviews.  The obtained data were presented by using the descriptive analysis.
        The research results were as follows: The  worship  ritual  of  Ongdam-Chumyen  Buddha  image  is  the  cooperation of  people in societies as a group to do activities, giving society a sense of belonging to a group to preserve the Buddhist dhamma area as a legacy of the people in society. It is the movement of Buddhist civil society to inherit the ancestral wisdom from generation to generation.
        As  for  the  belief  values of  the  ritual,  there  are  five  points:  1)  physical  aspect:  physical behaviors  such  as  humility  and  worship,  etc.;  2)  mental  aspect:  feeling  at  peace,  mindfulness, exhilaration, self control and virtues in accordance with Buddhist principles; 3) social aspect: rise of love,  harmony,  peace in  the community  and peaceful co-existence; 4)  cultural aspect:  rise of good  culture in  the  community,  motivation  in  cultural creativity,  art,  literature and  traditions, a stage  to  promote  the  local culture  and  cultural exchange;  5)  Buddhism:  it  is  the  religion  that  a majority of Thai people respect as their refuge continuously inherited for a long time.

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How to Cite
Ãnanto, P. C. . ., Thitapanyo , . P. M. ., & Bamrungphak, S. . . (2020). The Analysis of Belief’s Value of Ongdam-Chumyen Buddha Image Worship Ritual of People in Kalasin Mueang Municipality, KalasinProvince. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 169–181. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Phra Chaicharoen Ãnanto, มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัยวิทยาเขตขอนแก่น

วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น นิสิตปริญญาเอก สาขาพุทธศาสนา


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