Applying web-based Instruction to efl for Undergraduate Students to Improve The English Language Ablity Based on The reference levels of The common european Framework of reference for languages

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Thanaphorn Pomin
Pradit Srinonyang


        The objectives of the research were to evaluate application of Web-based instruction (WBI) to English learning, and to recognize and develop the students’ attitudes on English learning. The population of the research was a total of undergraduate students, Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi-Et Campus; the samples of 135 students voluntary to participate in the research and to have the Oxford Test in reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) were purposively selected. The instruments of the research were comprised of
        1) the Oxford Test results under the CEFR-based English Skill Development Project, 2) Assessment of CEFR-based WBI Model, 3) Content Assessment of CEFR-based WBI Model, 4) Online Classroom Assessment of CEFR-based WBI Model, 5) Survey of Students’ English Learning Attitudes, and 6) CEFR English Test after WBI Learning. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings of the research were as follows: (1) The evaluation of application of WBI English learning was found that the students’ CEFR English proficiency was found to be higher; the majority of the students were equipped with at least the A1 level and higher. (2) The students’ recognition and development of good attitudes on Enlish learning was found to be at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pomin, T. ., & Srinonyang, P. . (2020). Applying web-based Instruction to efl for Undergraduate Students to Improve The English Language Ablity Based on The reference levels of The common european Framework of reference for languages. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 212–223. Retrieved from
Research Article


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