The Linguistic Strategies in identity Construction of royal lanna lady in mala khamchan’sChaochunphomhorm, niratphrathaiinkhwean

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Nucharat Mungkun


        Mala Khamchan used the linguistic strategies in identity construction of royal Lanna lady in the novel named Chaochunphomhorm, Niratphrathatinkhwean, through the female character, Chaochun. The concept of this research was based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis as the framework, in addition. From the results revealed that there were 6 linguistic strategies used in the novel including 1)lexical selection 2)modality 3) referencing 4) metaphor 5) presuppositions 6) intertextuality for convey the set of idea about feminine identity (high social status woman). the class structures and political periods of Lanna kingdom, it was ruled by Siam or Thailand as a colonized country, and was annexed as part of Thailand in the reign of King Rama V. The representation of royal Lanna lady was constructed through Siam or Thailand’s concepts in patriarchy society.

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How to Cite
Mungkun, N. . (2020). The Linguistic Strategies in identity Construction of royal lanna lady in mala khamchan’sChaochunphomhorm, niratphrathaiinkhwean. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 270–282. Retrieved from
Research Article


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