Buddhist methods of human resource management in organizations for excellence in the digital age

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Phra Visutdhiworakit
Phrakhru Udomchetiyarak
Siripen Suthsansanga
Anucha Bhalakula


        Buddhism, the method of administering the Sangha is to not do good, do good to be ready to brighten the mind. Adopting people into an organization is the consideration of accepting people who accept discipline. Personnel management within the organization is the appointment and assignment of duties according to their abilities, called "Attak". And dissemination of the mission of the organization is to distribute manpower to carry out the assigned duties. Human resources in the digital age organization Need to rely on social media programs Must develop themselves to keep up with all-round technology Especially technology that relates to their responsibilities Which need to be developed according to appropriate processes Both attending training The continuing education assessment can be applied to all aspects of the organization. In which every process creates good relationships between associates at all levels Bring to the disclosure of pros and cons, problems and obstacles in the performance of duties.

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How to Cite
Phra Visutdhiworakit, Phrakhru Udomchetiyarak, Suthsansanga , S. ., & Bhalakula , A. . (2020). Buddhist methods of human resource management in organizations for excellence in the digital age. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 333–348. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/245197
Academic Article


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