The Guideline for Promoting the Application of Buddhadhamma to Reduce Apāyamukha during the Rains Retreat in Mahasarakham Mueang Municipality

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Phrakhru Phothithammanusas
Phra Soponphattanabundit
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan
Phramaha Samrong Saññato


        The objectives of this qualitative research were: 1) to study the Buddhadhamma used to reduce Apāyamukha (Causes of Ruin); 2) to study the current conditions related to Apāyamukha problems in Mahasarakham Mueang Municipality; 3) to present the ways for promoting the application of Buddhadhamma to reduce Apāyamukha during the Rains Retreat in Mahasarakham Mueang Municipality.
        The research results were as follows: The principles of Buddhism used to reduce the problem of Apāyamukha are: 1) IV Ghāravasadhamma (Virtues for a Good Household Life), 2) Sīla (Five Precepts), and 3) Kalayaṇamitta (to have good friends). Current conditions regarding the problem of Apāyamukha in Mahasarakham Mueang Municipality are as follows: 1) Drinking has caused almost all related problems, including extravagance, poverty, broken families, crimes, accidents, loss of human resources and economic loss of Thai society. The problem of alcohol addiction has negative effects on physical, mental health, economy and society. It causes lack of efficiency in studying, working, and financial problems, problems of family relations, embezzlement, crime, and other problems such as alcohol addiction and drug. There is indirect damage to alcohol addicts. 2) Gambling causes problems, starting with the involvement of the motivation to play, want to try, want to gamble. This is left without supervision, from behavior, just experiment for fun, it may develop into a gambling addiction in the future. Effects of gambling addiction can cause so many different problems. It can lead to wrong decisions and increase risk of addiction to alcohol and other harmful drugs. Different types of gambling do not bring any benefit. It only causes problems for oneself and society in terms of life and property, leading to the creation of more social problems.
        The ways for promoting the application of Buddhadhamma to reduce Apāyamukha during the Rains Retreat in Mahasarakham Mueang Municipality are to organize various activities: 1) sermon activities during the Rains Retreat, 2) to abstain from drinking during the Rains Retreat and 3) activities to maintain the Buddhist precepts, supported by a project to reduce Apāyamukha according to the five precepts, the village without alcohol / gambling according to the principle of Apāyamukha, traditions without drug according to the principle of Apāyamukha, the Goodness Bank in the Rains Retreat in accordance with Ghāravasadhamma principles, and the project to produce the faithful person to society according to the principle of Kalayaṇamitta. This enables us to refrain from all Apāyamukha. It is the improvement of the quality of life to be able to experience only good things. Refraining from drinking alcohol, all drugs and abstinence from gambling lead to auspicious life.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Phothithammanusas, Phra Soponphattanabundit, Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan, & Saññato, P. S. . . (2020). The Guideline for Promoting the Application of Buddhadhamma to Reduce Apāyamukha during the Rains Retreat in Mahasarakham Mueang Municipality. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 184–198. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Phrakhru Phothithammanusas, มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัยวิทยาเขตขอนแก่น

วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น นิสิตปริญญาเอก สาขาพุทธศาสนา


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