The Impacts of the Postponement of Student Admission at Loei Rajabhat University, Khon Kaen Education Center

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Chittakorn Hapanna
Siwach Sripokangkul


        The objectives of this research study are: 1) to explore the causes of delaying admission at Loei Rajabhat University, Khon Kaen Education Center, 2) to investigate the impacts of the delay admission, and 3) to reveal the solutions of the impacts. The qualitative research methods were applied in this research by consisted of 11 participants using specific selection technique. The data was collected by using an in-depth interview and content analysis methods.
        The result showed that there are three causes of the postponement admission at Loei Rajabhat University, Khon Kaen Education Center including; policy, curriculum status which was not approved, and the transportations. Furthermore, there are several impacts on this delay admission included the decline of the university budget by the decrease of student numbers and the effect on students, community, and entrepreneurs. Especially, the impact on the dormitory service providers where there are no new occupants. Finally, the solution of this problem is that firstly, university should provide only the normal class and solve the previously occurred problem followed the suggestions of the Office of National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA). Simultaneously, the case should be submitted to the Minister of Education and the Administrative Court to justify the case. Moreover, the curriculum should be improved to meet the needs of students. As well as, the public relation should be clear in terms of expressing opinions, timing, target groups and practitioners.

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How to Cite
Hapanna, C. ., & Sripokangkul, S. . (2020). The Impacts of the Postponement of Student Admission at Loei Rajabhat University, Khon Kaen Education Center. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 128–140. Retrieved from
Research Article


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