Corporate Social Responsibility of The True Corporation to Support Education

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Kanokwan Songklang
Siwach Sripokangkul


        This research had the objective to study methods of implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the True Corporation to support education.  Data were collected by qualitative methods such as document review, and in-depth interviews with two company managers, four company staff, and six stakeholders. This study found that the True Corporation is using CSR to support education in the following ways: (1) Policy on good organizational governance; (2) Planning; (3) Participation; (4) Activities:  The Company has two important activities currently in operation: (a) Activities that enable the organization and members of the organization to develop a new type of relationship with the community or society in which the relationship is based on common interests as members of the same community or society; i.e., it is not a relationship defined by being a customer service provider.  An example of this new relationship is the “3G + for School and Community” program; and (b) Activities that lead the organization and its members to be a more integral part of the community or society, such as a project to open the world of learning to schools all over the country by projects such as ‘True cultivating wisdom’ and ‘True connect ED;’ (5) Promoting issues for broad awareness; (6) Linking issues with the Company's marketing to redirect part of the income or profit from selling products or services toward donation for the public good; and (7) Volunteering to help the community. The Company encourages its employees to be representatives of the Company by performing socially-beneficial activities as good citizens for the good of the community and schools.


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How to Cite
Songklang , K. . ., & Sripokangkul , S. . (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility of The True Corporation to Support Education. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 88–101. Retrieved from
Research Article


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