Language Styles in Folk Literary of Isan, Klonlam

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Choom Phimkeeree


        This thesis aims to analyze language styles  presentation and analysis of linguistic features in the creation of folk literatury of  Isan, klonlam. In terms of the data used for this study, there are 6 sets of Isan literary books, 23 stories. This Thesis is Documentary Research by the researcher who applied the conceptual framework of Martin Jose's literary style and applied the conceptual framework of aesthetics in words and texts of Duangmon Jitchamnong and Jitrada Suwattikul is the conceptual framework used in the research to analyse and synthetic in Descriptive Analysis.
        The results of the research of Language Styles in Fork Literary Of Isan, Klonlam were found that The frozen style are found in the poems of the Fork Literary of Isan Klonlam 14 stories. But The Fomal style, consultative style, casual style and intimate style Will be found in every story that has been analyzed in Language Styles in Fork Literary Of Isan, Klonlam. But Language Styles  in Aesthetics in terms of words according to the conceptual framework included 6 issues: 1) rhyme style, i.e. sound, rhyme, both consonants and vowels, 2) Reduplication style, 3) repeating style, 4) dialect style, 5) different words style and 6) other styles, which give the reader a variety of styles in the thoughts of   word  and sound form. In  the texts style  was found that The author used 3 styles to  using  language aimed to creating beauty in figure of speech, namely; metaphors, hyperbole, Onomatopoeia, Personification, and other figure of speechs.  In the feeling of Thai literature, it was found that there were all  feelings.

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How to Cite
Phimkeeree, C. . (2020). Language Styles in Folk Literary of Isan, Klonlam. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 150–159. Retrieved from
Research Article


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