Inequality in the Administration of the 20 Year National Strategy on Opportunity and Social Equality: A Case Study of Din Thong Subdistrict, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province

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Tanongsak Sangsawangwatthana
Chot Bodeerat


          This study aimed to study the state of inequality. To compare the inequality and to study solutions to inequality in creating opportunities and social equality according to the 20-year National Strategy, a case study of Din Thong Subdistrict, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province. The sample used for this study was 400 local populations and interviewed 22 community leaders. The instruments used for this data collection were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used in this analysis were frequency Percentage, mean, standard deviation, t – test One – way ANOVA, and content analysis. The study found that;
          1. The state of disparities in the creation of opportunity and social equality in the area of Din Thong Subdistrict, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province at the highest level.
           2. When comparing the inequality in creating opportunities and social equality according to the 20-year National Strategy, case Study of Din Thong Subdistrict, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Provincem, it was found that there were only educational level factors. Which had a statistically significant effect on the inequality in the administration of the National Strategy at 0.05 level
          3. Guidelines for solving inequality in creating opportunities and social equality according to the 20-year National Strategic Plan Case study at Din Thong Subdistrict, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province, found that education should be developed from the Child Development Center and the introduction of technology into teaching and learning Moreover, equality of access to public health services should be established. And promote behavioral adjustment at the household level to have better ability to manage life planning


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How to Cite
Sangsawangwatthana , T. ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2021). Inequality in the Administration of the 20 Year National Strategy on Opportunity and Social Equality: A Case Study of Din Thong Subdistrict, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(1), 130–148. Retrieved from
Research Article


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