Military and Politics in Thailand

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Suthinan Suwunwijitr
Worawit Klinsuk


          This article aims to present the role of the military in politics in Thailand. From the past to the present to see the scope of roles, powers and duties of the military that are appropriate or not to interfere with politics. The military arose from the need for the community to protect the lives and property of its members. As the community grew, the population increased. Own territory the military has also been developed in terms of personnel organization. Organization of the army procession war planning weapon schemes as well as methods of conducting battle since the sukhothai establishment until the rattanakosin period thai military has always been an important state affair. Since there has been a constant war in ancient times, all able-bodied men had military service duties. Especially in times of war military and civilians were therefore not separated as they are today. Even organizing the bureaucracy itself will have the position of Somsuai and Somuhrakhom is the highest head in public administration but manpower control and the use of manpower in the military not completely separated from each other significant military improvements began during the reign of king chulalongkorn. Which has announced military management in the year 2430 to be a western style and later in the year 2435 has been established the ministry of defense. The military has therefore played a very prominent role in thai politics. Because the military is institutionally ready as well as the strength of ideology and concept but the military continued to fight for power. This reflects the weakness and instability of the military institution. This contradicts Huntington professional military concept that professional soldiers do not get involved in politics. Because professional military service is what will keep the military from interfering in politics.

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How to Cite
Suwunwijitr , S. ., & Klinsuk , W. . (2021). Military and Politics in Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 344–353. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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