Creative Management of Cultural Heritage with Participation of Mekong Community

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Thongkham Duangkhanpetch
Phra Dechkhajorn Kuntidharo (Phuthip)


           This research aimed to 1) to build knowledge of history, cultural and traditions of the Mekong Community 2) to study a creative management of cultural heritage with participation of mekong community 3) to create awareness of conservation, preserve the cultural heritage and traditions in the mekong communities. This research is a qualitative by in-depth interviews with 36 key informants and organizing projects for community conservation consciousness 30 person, data analysis using contextual content analysis techniques.
          The research results were found that : 1. knowledge of history (1) history of Luang Pho Phra Sai, Luang Pho Ong Tue, Luang Pho Phra Siang, all 3 of them have a long history of the Mekong (2) the tradition of pouring water from Luang Pho Phra Sai, Luang Pho Ong Tue, Luang Pho Phra Siang (3) Boun Bang Fai, is the 6th month of merit or Boun Bang Fai for people of the Mekong, called "Bork Than Boo Cha Fai". 2. model of creative management of cultural heritage with participation of mekong community. Through the following formats: (1) by the participation of the Mekong communities through a driving force by local administrative organizations in the area (2) by Participation of the Mekong community by the government (3) by participation of the Mekong community by temples and villagers. 3. building awareness of conservation preserve the cultural heritage and traditions in the Mekong community (1) article contest on raising awareness in conservation maintain culture and tradition (2) conservation conscious slogans contest preserve the culture and traditions (3) listening to ideas about conservation maintain culture and tradition.



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How to Cite
Duangkhanpetch , T. ., & Kuntidharo (Phuthip), P. D. . (2021). Creative Management of Cultural Heritage with Participation of Mekong Community. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 44–58. Retrieved from
Research Article


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