Leadership Development Based on iv Iddhipada-Dhammas of Basic Education School Administrator Under Khonkaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Wipawan Abklinjunt
Phrakhrupalad Boonchuay Jotivamso
Sunthon Saikham


          The objectives of this research paper were: to study the strategic leadership of the school administrators in accordance with the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas; to present the suggestions for the strategic leadership of the school administrators in accordance with the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples of this research included 319 school administrators and teachers,The research instrument was the questionnaire and interview. The statistics used in data analysis were: Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.
          The research results were as follows:        
          1. The overall mean score of the strategic leadership of the school administrators in accordance with the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The most practical aspect was seen in that of the revolutionary thinking, followed by that of prediction and future determination. The least practical aspect was seen in that of perceiving, understanding, holistically and strategically thinking.
          2. The guidelines are as follows: 1) perceiving, understanding, holistically and strategically thinking, the administrators should recognize and understand to information related to administration to determine the direction of the organization; 2) creating a strategy with various imagination, administrators should take the information system to support in management give for teachers to participate in strategy formulation; 3) prediction and future determination, administrators should consider long-term results such as knowledge management, building a knowledge base to develop the school into a learning organization; 4) revolutionary thinking, the administrators should bring the PDCA process to improve the quality of the school to the full potential; 5) creating a vision, the administrators should set a vision linked to the present and the future and they must be a far-sighted person, consistent with needs and social change.

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How to Cite
Abklinjunt, W., Jotivamso , P. B. ., & Saikham , S. . (2021). Leadership Development Based on iv Iddhipada-Dhammas of Basic Education School Administrator Under Khonkaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 33–43. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/247697
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