The Development of Blended E-Learning Lessons of the Chemistry Laboratory Course for Secondary Level 4 in Science-Math Program Project, Yala Rajabhat University

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Sirichai Namburi


          Many studies show the blended e-learning approach that combines the traditional classroom-based and online modes of learning has an impact on the students’ learning achievement. This research aims to develop the blended e-learning model for the lessons of the Chemistry Laboratory course for the Secondary Level. This study examines 1) students’ learning achievement exploiting pretest-posttest comparison; 2) student’s chemistry laboratory skills; 3) student’s self-assessment of 21st-century skill and 4) Students’ satisfaction in Blended e-learning. The sample is the 28 students in secondary level 4 from Satree Islam Wittaya Foundation School, participating in the established project of Science and Mathematics program, Yala Rajabhat University (SMP-YRU). Research tools include the 5 blended e-learning lessons of the chemistry laboratory, learning achievement test, assessment of chemistry laboratory skills, self-report questionaries of 21st-century skill and the learning satisfaction questionnaire. The study was conducted in the second semester of the 2020 academic year, utilizing a blended mode of learning with a combination of e-learning and a science laboratory. The data were analyzed by paired samples t-test, percentage, mean and standard deviation. 
          The results of the study showed 1) a significant difference of the pre and post-test of learning achievement at a significant level of 0.1; 2) the majority of students (80%) gained chemistry laboratory skills at ‘Good’ level; 3) student’s self-assessment of 21st-century skill was significantly higher than regular classroom-based learning at a significance level of 0.01.; and 4) students’ satisfaction in Blended e-learning was at a ‘high’ level.
          Findings show students achieved higher when exposed to Blended e-learning model, indicating that the blended e-learning model is the practical, effective instruction for teaching and learning in the chemistry laboratory. The recommendation is to further develop the blended e-learning mode of learning in other subject areas.


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How to Cite
Namburi, S. . (2021). The Development of Blended E-Learning Lessons of the Chemistry Laboratory Course for Secondary Level 4 in Science-Math Program Project, Yala Rajabhat University. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 236–251. Retrieved from
Research Article


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