Innovation and Technology for Increase the Competitiveness in the Markets of Jasmine Rice Ban Khok Phon Community Enterprise’s, Kanthararom Subdistrict, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province

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Sirikamol Prapatphong


          This research aimed to 1) Study the current conditions of marketing and distribution the channels of jasmine rice Ban Khok Phon Community Enterprise’s 2) Study to the model of Application  to innovation and technology into Increase the competitiveness in the markets of jasmine rice Ban Khok Phon Community Enterprise’s 3) to develop monitoring system of jasmine rice production processes via QR Code of Jasmine rice enterprise group at Ban KhokPhon Community. This mixed method research was divided into qualitative research method with in-depth interview and collecting data from 47 key informants and conducted by collecting data from 10 people of focus group discussion and questionnaire regarding the condition of digital information technology of the community enterprise group and the explicit knowledge in applying information technology. The last method was conducted by using the workshop and quantitative research method with the satisfaction survey and collecting data from 30 members of Jasmine rice enterprise group using monitoring system development of jasmine rice production processes via QR Code of Jasmine rice enterprise group. These data were summarized, analyzed and presented in descriptive pattern.
          The findings were: 1. Regarding the current condition in marketing and distribution channels of Jasmine rice enterprise group, it originated from farmers gathering in the community to have bargaining power of the rice price selling to the rice mills at a fair price for both parties. At present, the current marketing condition and distribution channels of the enterprise group are at the household production level. Also, the product distribution is at the level of community, rice mills and shops in the neighborhood due to the limitation of distribution channels that causes distribution problem leading to income shortage. In order to increase the value of organic jasmine rice production, the group has joined PGS system "Community Certified" which is a form of organic agriculture certification, 2. The group uses technology in the system management using the line application to exchange information of the group. The group members have explicit knowledge in applying marketing technology at a low level. When considering each item, it was found that the group members have knowledge in using the internet at the highest level and are able to applying technology and innovation of information system in business of the group at the least level, respectively and 3. The marketing channels were developed by information system via Facebook and QR code using the Facebook page. The result of satisfaction survey on development of monitoring system and tracking production processes of Jasmine Rice via QR Code of Jasmine rice enterprise group was found that farmers satisfied to participate in training on the development of monitoring system of jasmine rice production processes via QR Code at high level. When considering each item, it was found that giving an opportunity to ask and comment was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Prapatphong, S. (2021). Innovation and Technology for Increase the Competitiveness in the Markets of Jasmine Rice Ban Khok Phon Community Enterprise’s, Kanthararom Subdistrict, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(3), 312–329. Retrieved from
Research Article


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