A Guideline for Learning Management with the Principle of the 4 Paths of Accomplishment in the Sangha’s Secondary School of wat Mahabuddhavongsa Pa Laung In Vientian City, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR)

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Phra Kandhasila ChansuwoAsst
Somdet Namket
Boonsong Sinthunok


           The three purposes of this research were; 1) to study the Four Paths of Accomplishment in Theravada Buddhism 2) to study the learning management of the Sangha’s Secondary School of Wat Mahabuddhavongsa Pa Laung in Vientian City, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR) and 3) to offer the guideline of learning management with the Four Paths of Accomplishmentof the Sangha’ Secondary School of Wat Mahabuddhavongsa Pa Laung in Vientian City, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR). This research was the qualitative research by studying the data from documents and data informants consisting of 29 subjects and to report the results of the research by using the descriptive analysis.
          The results of the research were as follows: It means the principle that leads to success, that is, ambitiousness, satisfaction, love for work that is done with love, persistence, persistence and perseverance, regardless of the profession. To focus on the love of the heart with effort, with the soul to try and work in that career to achieve success.
          The use of the Power 4 principle in teaching and learning helps to overcome the limitations of ethical content, which are quite abstract and stagnate in the form of interesting teaching and learning by creating an environment of teaching and learning that is With the movement of the students and the content at the same time, the organization of the teaching process focuses on the participation of students mainly in physical, intellectual, emotional and interaction with some activities and teaching materials. Such as role play scenarios, example cases, etc. The results of the application of the principle 4 To enhance skills and organize learning activities of Students at Wat Maha Phutthawongsa Luang High School found that 1) Chantha was to not give up, was encouraged to fight, 2) Wiriya, that was diligent in his duty, 3) Chitta, was able to resolve the incident promptly 4) Wimangsa This is to help keep the work done without mistakes and keep working efficiently.


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How to Cite
ChansuwoAsst, P. K. ., Namket , S. ., & Sinthunok , B. . (2021). A Guideline for Learning Management with the Principle of the 4 Paths of Accomplishment in the Sangha’s Secondary School of wat Mahabuddhavongsa Pa Laung In Vientian City, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR). Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(3), 266–281. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/247867
Research Article


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