Factors an affecting the commitment of personnel under the Royai Institute, Phitsanulok Province

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Suphawinee Kongkaew
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


          This research study aims to study as follows: 1. Factors affecting employee engagement. 2. Relationship between factors affecting personnel engagement and 3. Guidelines for promoting personnel engagement under the Royal Institute of Phitsanulok Province. It is a research method. During the quantitative research And qualitative research. Population is personnel of Sirindhorn College of Public Health. Phitsanulok Province And personnel of Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phuttachinarat, a total of 292 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire's consistency index was between 0.5-1.0 and the questionnaire's confidence value was 0.929. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis by selecting independent variables using Enter Method. Interview analysis of key informants according to research objectives. Using content analysis techniques for context, the research found that 1) factors affecting personnel engagement Under the royal institute Phitsanulok Province Overall, the overall level was at a high level. 2) The results of the hypothesis testing showed that the supporting factors were compensation and benefits. Supervision And in terms of job security Have relationship with personnel engagement Under the royal institute Phitsanulok Province 3) Guidelines for promoting engagement of personnel under the Royal Crown Institute are: 1. Creating a good working environment 2. Strengthening incentives for employees to work. 3. Improving and developing the welfare system

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How to Cite
Kongkaew , S., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2021). Factors an affecting the commitment of personnel under the Royai Institute, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(3), 209–223. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/247949
Research Article


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