Organizational Commitment of Staff at Local Administrative Organizations in Bang Krathum District, Phitsanulok Province

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Nuengruethai Soiyodthong
Chot Bodeerat


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of organizational commitment of local government organization employees, 2) to compare personal factors and organizational engagement of local government organization employees, and 3) to study problems, obstacles and effective recommendations Towards the organization engagement of local government organization employees in Bang Krathum District Phitsanulok Province Which is a quantitative research Collect information from local government employees In the district of Bang Krathum Phitsanulok Province, 341 people. The tool used to collect the data was a questionnaire with the consistency of questionnaires between 0.5-1.0 and the questionnaire's confidence value of 0.929. The mean difference was tested by t-test statistic, F-test value at 0.05 level of significance.
           Results of the Research 1. Overall, the level of the organizational commitment of the staff at the local administrative organizations in Bang Krathum District, Phitsanulok Province was at the high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the sacrifice for the organization was at the highest level. Then, it was respectively the organizational loyalty, the willingness and self-devotion to work, the pride of being part of the organization, and the desire to continue the membership of the organization. 2. The comparison of the personal factors affecting to the organizational commitment of the staff at the local administrative organizations in Bang Krathum District, Phitsanulok Province found that the staff having the different educational degrees, positions, and work experience affected to the different organizational commitment of the staff at the local administrative organizations in Bang Krathum District, Phitsanulok Province at 0.05 of statistical significance. The other factors were no different. 3. The problems, barriers, and suggestions affecting to the organizational commitment of the staff at the local administrative organizations in Bang Krathum District, Phitsanulok Province found that the problem and barrier were that the administrators and the staff had a lack of coordinating and integrating together within the organization and between the local administrative organizations. Moreover, the regulation, notification, and principle were not useful to the working. The working was sometimes limited. The administrators and the staff solved the facing problems. The suggestions were that the organization should provide the activities for supporting, and exchanging the knowledge and the experience in co-working within the organization and between the organizations to make the love, relationship, and unity of the administrators and the staffs. The administrators should specify the model and guidelines for the administration and the working as the standard according to the regulation, and rule suitable to the organization. Moreover, the administrators should specify the policy and the goal of the organization clearly, and have the guidelines for the working to solve the facing problems.

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How to Cite
Soiyodthong , N. . ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2021). Organizational Commitment of Staff at Local Administrative Organizations in Bang Krathum District, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(3), 150–163. Retrieved from
Research Article


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