Development of English Reading Skills Exercises Through Task-based Approach and STAD Technique for the Eighth Grade students

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Mathawi Kanthasorn
Nitaya Suwanasri
Sumitra Rojananiti


          The purposes of the research were 1. to develop and evaluate efficiency of English reading skills exercises to meet a criterion of 75/75, 2. to compare the learning achievement of English reading skills with percentage 75%, and 3. to measure students’ satisfaction toward English reading skills exercises through Task-based Approach and STAD Technique of the eighth grade students. The samples consisted of 32 Mathayomsuksa 2/1 students at BanKhokWittayakom School. The research instruments were 1) English reading skill exercises 2) achievement test 3) students’ satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed by the average percent standard deviation and tested hypotheses with t-test (Independent).
          The results of the study were as follows; the efficiency of the English reading skills exercises through Task-based Approach and STAD Technique of the eighth grade students was at 83.56/82.81. This means that the efficiency of the English reading skills exercises was at a high level (higher than the specified criterion as 75/75). After using the exercises through Task-based Approach and STAD Technique, the students’ English reading abilities were  82.8 percent higher than the 75 percent criteria, with statistical significance at  .05 level, and the satisfaction of the eighth grade students toward the exercises through Task-based Approach and STAD Technique was at the high level ( = 4.53, S.D. = 0.51).

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How to Cite
Kanthasorn, M. ., Suwanasri , N. ., & Rojananiti, S. . (2021). Development of English Reading Skills Exercises Through Task-based Approach and STAD Technique for the Eighth Grade students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 252–267. Retrieved from
Research Article


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