The Analytical Study of Themperor Power in Cakkayatti Sutta

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Phrakhru Pariyattiphatcharadhamma


          This article aims to study the doctrine of the Emperor in Chakwattisutthi and to analyze the power of the Emperor in the Chakwattisutthi In Chakwattisutthi The Lord Buddha taught the monks and the people of Matul to be self-reliant, to rely on Dharma, to adhere to mindfulness. The Buddha illustrated the story of the King, the Emperor. The emperor must act according to principles There are four types of empires according to the pattern of His ancestors: 1. The emperor is fair sovereignty. Arrange righteous protection to all peoples in the land. 2. There is no wrongdoing in the land. 3. Share average wealth to the lack of wealth 4. Always consult a Brahmin priest who does good behavior. To be called the Emperor God has to behave forever. Will make the 7 Rattana Chakra come into being as the identity of the emperor completely: 1) Chakkaew 2) Chang Kaew 3) Maew 4) Kaewmanee 5) Nang Kaew 6) Khun Klang Kaew 7) Khunpol Kaew and there The vast expanse has four oceans as a filtering boundary.
          The use of power and virtue in the governance of the people should be balanced between the existing power and virtue. Not with a strong armed and an army, but by using the Dharma to fight. To overcome the minds of other parents It's a decisive win. The decline of the power of the emperor. Is to ignore the lack of behavior in the dharma and self-duty is the lack of care in the succession of the Kingdom Not helping the poor and the needy arise. Therefore there was a struggle for survival People behave more and morally, leading to The final decay of the emperor


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How to Cite
Phrakhru Pariyattiphatcharadhamma. (2021). The Analytical Study of Themperor Power in Cakkayatti Sutta. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(3), 396–409. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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