A Buddhist Method for Developing Emotional Quotient

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Phra Athikarn Sunet Kantavtro (Suwannapheng)
Phramaha Daosayam Vajirapanno
Thanakorn Donkamonkan


          Buddhism greatly emphasizes on the importance to emotional quotient causing   the cognitive intelligence. In other words, good emotion leads to wisdom, creative consciousness and happiness. Emotional quotient is a unique skill that can be created and developed by oneself. The way to develop the emotional quotient based on the principles of mindfulness is the method of life development, emphasizing on co-working of the two elements: emotion and wisdom. The practice of the mindfulness consists of diligence and mindfulness as the emotional component (EQ), and consciousness as the wisdom component (IQ). The third component correlatively functions in emotional contemplation in body, feelings, mind and Dhamma. The mindfulness practice can be performed anytime in daily life through observing the actions: standing, walking, lying and sleeping and so on. The main principle of mindfulness practice is being mindful in all actions without any imagination, thought and critique; to realize the tangible and intangible Dhamma as they are; being unattractive to self; to have a clear vision on a condition called liberation; to control the mind in the new form of purity and freedom.
          Emotional quotient will promote success in work and family, personal and social life. It creates self-understanding, feelings of oneself and others, realization of strength and weaknesses of oneself and management of appropriate emotional expression.

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How to Cite
Kantavtro (Suwannapheng), P. A. S. ., Vajirapanno , P. D., & Donkamonkan, T. . (2021). A Buddhist Method for Developing Emotional Quotient. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 372–383. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/248467
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