Analyzed to Naga Beliefs in Ritual of Vientiane Capital People as Lao People’s Democratic Republic

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Phravinaiy Dhammavong
Somdet Namket
Boonsong Sinthunok


          This research have 3 mains in the objectives aimed to, 1) study the concept of Naga about to appears in the Buddhist scriptures”Keywords: Naga Beliefs,  Ritual, Vientiane Capital People 2) to study the belief in Naga of people  of Vientian City, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR) and to analyze the belief in Naga in the ritual performance of people in Vientian City, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR). This research was the qualitative research by studying the data from the documents and interviewing the informants composing of 24 subjects and to report the results of research by using the descriptive analysis.
          The results of the research were found that Naga in the scripture of Theravada Buddhism resulted from doing two actions, that is, 1) Wholesome and Unwholesome such as Uposathasila observing and then wishing to be Naga or to violate the discipline etc. Naga has Four Modes of Generation and Buddhism certifies that Naga has really existed as one of creatures that have been born in this universe.
          The belief in Naga of people in Vientian City has developed from the belief of 1) Snake worshiping 2) the ancestors’ spiritual worship before they believed in Brahmnism and Buddhism, especially Theravada School. The Belief of Naga of people in Vientian City has been improved and assimilated in the belief in Buddhism until the present.
          For the belief of people in Vientian City towards Naga and the rituals related to Naga, it was found that people in Vientian City have believed in Naga that the Naga has really existed and it was born form the Four modes of Generation in accordance with the principle of Buddhism and to various influences such as to offer the  sacrifice to Naga in the Festival of Naga’s fire works, the ritual ceremony for making wow to be the Naga’ son and the ritual ceremony for fire floating etc. In addition, there have the influence on the rituals related to the ways of life such as the ceremony for new house construction, ceremony for Konghod merit, the ceremony for Parivasakamma  and the blessing ceremony for longevity of life etc. These ceremonies are worthiness by believing in Naga of local people and inherited until the present.

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How to Cite
Dhammavong, P. . ., Namket , S. ., & Sinthunok , B. . (2021). Analyzed to Naga Beliefs in Ritual of Vientiane Capital People as Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 67–89. Retrieved from
Research Article


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