The Basic Conceptual Framework of Public Relations

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Sutanya Krittakom


          Public Relations is news published via appropriate media and communication approach to message receivers. The approach makes understanding and positive attitude to collaborate message receiver purposes. Public Relations is a tool for improving image and reliability. The tool  makes relationship between organization and people. The article’s objective is synthesis a conceptual framework for studying basic public relation principles, presenting the importance of proper public relations communication and understanding for basic public relations conceptual. The conceptual framework of public relations consists of (1) the Internal Public Relations were; the Public Relations of executives towards employees, employees towards executives, departments in the organization, different departments and levels in the organization and (2) the External Public Relations were; Public Relations of Customer, Shareholders, Suppliers and Communities respectively.


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How to Cite
Krittakom, S. . (2021). The Basic Conceptual Framework of Public Relations. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 261–273. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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