Factors Affecting of Civil Registration Services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, Chaturaphakphiman District, Roi-et Province

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Thamasak Chaiyameng
Sauwaluck Nikornpittaya


          The purposes of the study were 1) to study level of factors affecting the Civil registration services, (4.51) 2) to investigate level of the Civil registration services, (4.57) 3) to educate factors that affect to the Civil registration services, and 4) to explore advices on factors and service development of Civil Registration Services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, Chaturaphakphiman District, Roi-et Province. The study is a quantitative research which using the questionnaire as instruments. The sample group were 228 people who had been served by the Civil Registration Services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, Chaturaphakphiman District, Roi-et Province through the Yamane Formula in determining the sample size. The statistic used were frequency, average, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and Multiple Linear Regression with Enter and Stepwise significantly at .05. The frequency and descriptive method were suggested to the researcher.
          The results found that 1) level of factors affecting the Civil registration services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, was at highest level, 2) level of the Civil registration services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, was at highest level, 3) factors that affect to the Civil registration services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, Chaturaphakphiman District, Roi-et Province were described the Civil registration services at 20.2 %, R2 = .202, F = 11.248 which occurring 2 factors orderly getting into the correlation equation; a factor of Tangibles (X1) and a factor of Reliability (X2). These factors could predict the Civil registration services significantly at α .05 which could present as raw scores and standard scores as follow;

                     Raw scores Y = 2.134+ .243X1 + .104X2

                     Standard scores Zr = .279X1 + .165X2

and (4) advices on factors and service development of Civil Registration Services comprised using automatically cue cards, sharing or dividing jobs clearly, and publishing and informing information, steps of servicing through documents, board, or staff.

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How to Cite
Chaiyameng, T. . ., & Nikornpittaya, S. . (2021). Factors Affecting of Civil Registration Services at Kok-Lam Municipality Local Registry Office, Chaturaphakphiman District, Roi-et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 100–113. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/249342
Research Article


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