Partnership of Local Government Administration to Integrated Community Reinforcement

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Supatpong Yamim


          Partnership of local government administration to integrated community reinforcement were the tools of community organization development institute a using the promote a guidelines to participation of people into characteristics of co-process, co-decision making  and co- problems solving for community development based on community resources development based on community resources The goal is for every community to have a community plan and use a community plan to reflect the problems. And solve problems and point out the success goals of community development, resulting in the development of the community in the management aimed at building a strong community under the integrated public administration approach to achieve consistency in development through the development plan. It is the main tool in determining the correct development direction. In this regard, establishing rules or integrative partnerships should begin at the earliest stages to formulate a policy plan, where partnerships are incorporated into the framework and policies aimed at developing. It starts the concept from the upper level down into the lower action with the requirements for true integration. In this regard, having an organization or partnership to take part and act together responsible for the activities or activities with benefits and no interests to reach the stake is an external factor. But at the level of development and integration, participation and use of the concept of further development and integration into the community is what all sectors need to strengthen the integrated framework for community development. Participate in a joint plan process, have ideas and plans, along with a more useful integration today.

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How to Cite
Yamim, S. . (2021). Partnership of Local Government Administration to Integrated Community Reinforcement. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 351–365. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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