Promoting Local Wisdom in Making Buddhist Lent Candles for Buddhist Tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Phrakru Phasukwiharadham (Prachaya Pasuko)
Phramaha Daosayam Vajirapañño
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the local wisdom of Buddhist Lent candle invention; 2) to study the change in Buddhist Lent candle making; 3) to propose guidelines for promoting local wisdom on Buddhist Lent candle invention for Buddhist tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province. This was a qualitative research conducted by document analysis and interviews of the target group. The data were interpreted by the descriptive data analysis.
          The research results were as follows:
          The promotion of local wisdom, uniqueness in way of life, wisdom and knowledge in traditional works is related to Buddhism. The rituals are carried on from the past to the present and there are additional activities to make it more entertained and interesting in terms of the beauty of art and culture well-being of local people.
          Changes in lifestyles, traditions, local wisdom and culture leads to differences in candle making in the past and present in relations to the process of making, styles and decorative elements. The purpose of making candles during the Buddha's time was to be Buddhist worship and to honor temples. Currently, for the contest, it is important to take part in organizing the candle parade tradition in Ubon Ratchathani Province.
          Guidelines for promoting local wisdom in making Buddhist Lent candles for Buddhist tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province can be made by applying the teachings that inspire unity, inserting local wisdom through candle making or candle carving and promoting Buddhist tourism in order for people in the community to have faith in the candle parade tradition of the community seriously and see the value. The benefits that come from working together create success in creating great works to further develop the economy and society of the community.

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How to Cite
(Prachaya Pasuko), P. P. ., Vajirapañño , P. D., & Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan. (2021). Promoting Local Wisdom in Making Buddhist Lent Candles for Buddhist Tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 308–323. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Phrakru Phasukwiharadham (Prachaya Pasuko), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, KhonKaen Campus

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