Labor Shortages’ Solution in Sugarcane Crushing Season of Eastern Sugar and Cane Public Company Limited of Watthana Nakhon Sugar Manufacturing Group in Sa Kaeo Province

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Vutthiwat Ananphutthimet
Chatkasam Dasri
Supattar Koyangphung


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the labor shortage problem of Eastern Sugar and Cane Company in Wattana Nakorn Sugar Production Group. Sa Kaeo Province. 2) To study the labor recruitment of the Eastern Sugar and Cane Mills, Watthana Nakhon Sugar Production Group Sa Kaeo Province. and 3) to find a solution to the labor shortage problem of the Eastern Sugar and Cane Mills, Watthana Nakhon Sugar Production Group Sa Kaeo Province. This research was conducted using a semi-structured in-depth interview method. The research population included human resources executives and recruitment executives. A total of 9 people consisted of 1) 2 senior executives of the organization 2) 3 human resource executives and 3) 4 recruiting executives.
          1. Labor shortage problem of Eastern Sugar and Cane Company, Watthana Nakhon Sugar Production Group Sa Kaeo Province During the 2019/2020 production season, laws and government policies today The government allows foreign workers to be hired but must comply with the law. The company must register and renew the work permit for foreign workers. The government has made an international agreement on the recruitment of foreign workers. There is a fee for registration and renewal of licenses. However, the labor shortage problem is also caused by the former BONSUCRO rule, which initially included non-profit grouping of stakeholders. with the intention to reduce social and environmental impacts from sugarcane production
          2. Labor recruitment of Eastern Sugar and Cane Company, Watthana Nakhon Sugar Production Group Sa Kaeo Province During the 2019/2020 production season, it was found that the production season or the opening season was the time when a large number of sugarcane farmers were accepted to buy sugarcane. It is absolutely necessary that a lot of labor is required. especially migrant workers from Cambodia In the past year, the company solved the problem of labor shortage by providing agents or brokers. Help to reduce the time and cost of recruiting workers for the company. in the form of a Sub-Contact contract in the field of labor force As a result of the labor shortage in item 1, the company seeks both formal and informal solutions.
          3. It can be concluded that the Company's approach has been adjusted according to the context or situation each year. and see which method is the best choice. I tried the least effective method and tried to find a new recruiting method. Most of which will use the same methods that have been done before. Still, this year there were issues with Bonsucro rules, and the company had to go through a series of inspections in order to inevitably get quality assurance. This standard rule is the main reason why companies have to decide to lay off foreign workers and turn to hire Thai workers. causing the current labor shortage crisis.

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How to Cite
Ananphutthimet, V. ., Dasri, C. ., & Koyangphung, S. . (2021). Labor Shortages’ Solution in Sugarcane Crushing Season of Eastern Sugar and Cane Public Company Limited of Watthana Nakhon Sugar Manufacturing Group in Sa Kaeo Province . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 249–260. Retrieved from
Research Article


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