The Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in the 21st Century

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Phramaha Jumnong Siriwunno (Pompai)
Phunthila Noicharoen
Thongkham DuangKhunpet
Apiwatchai Phuttajorn


          Academic articles on “Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in the 21st Century” aims to present guidelines for applying the administration of Sangha affairs, which have 6 aspects, namely: on Administration, on ecclesiastical education, On public supporting education, on propagation of Buddhism, on constructions and reparation, On social welfares. This is a practice for the Sangha by the upreme Sangha Council that was established in 1962, but when the world turns around Everything in the world will change accordingly. Both economically, socially and politically, as well as psychologically that the bishop will manage the affairs of the Sangha in the same way it can be done, but it may prevent the work of Buddhism to drive efficiency and effectiveness. Adjustment of the bishop in applying the principles of Sangha administration But how to proceed to know how to access and keep up with the changes of the world society? Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the strategy by applying the principles or directions of the Buddha, which has clearly laid out the principles of management. and gentle, can be used in every era and management principles that are modern science in order to be able to implement the principles of administration of all six aspects of Sangha affairs quickly and without causing any impact to those involved This approach, although a simple principle. But if it can be done, it will have a very good effect on the work of the Sangha. Bringing the highest benefits and happiness to Thai society.

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How to Cite
Siriwunno (Pompai), P. J. ., Phakrupariyuttisuwannawat, Noicharoen, P. ., DuangKhunpet , T. ., & Phuttajorn, A. . (2021). The Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in the 21st Century. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 371–383. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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