Adjustment of the Informal Employment Under the Social Crisis a Case Study a Group of Taxi Drivers in Selaphum District, Roi Et Province

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Wannipa Soongsumal
Pimchanok Paireepinas


          Subject research Adaptation of informal employment under the social crisis a caused study a group of taxi drivers in Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. Aims to study 1) To study the adjustment of informal workers under the social crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic 2) To study the conditions affecting the adjustment of informal workers under the social crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and 3) to study the recommendations for the adjustment of informal workers groups under the social crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. By using research tools Is an (In depth interview) with a group of 11 people that are selected Purposive sampling.
          The results of the study showed that 1) In mostly cases, informal workers have economic and occupational adjustments. Is to save more household expenses. And making additional careers to generate. Physiological adjustment found that There is follow news. The Wearing a mask of Health Handing washing with hand sanitizer, alcohol and water after touching thing and psychological adjustment. 2) the conditions affecting the adjustment of informal workers is human capital, physical capital, social capital, and  3) Guidelines for reducing adaptation restrictions for informal workers under social crises should promote supplementary occupations suitable for workers mostly is the elderly. Relevant agencies should have health safety measures. And found that when informal workers can adjust economically and professionally and adjust physically will also lead to psychological adaptation.

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How to Cite
Soongsumal , W. ., & Paireepinas, P. . (2021). Adjustment of the Informal Employment Under the Social Crisis a Case Study a Group of Taxi Drivers in Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 155–169. Retrieved from
Research Article


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