Application of Blue Ocean Strategy and Canvas Business Model for service users Increasing to Mobile Banking of Banking for Agriculture and AgriculTural Cooperatives Bank

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Ammararut Maprayuen
Chaw Wayoopagtr


          The objectives of this research are: 1. To study the importance of marketing mix factors in the use of mobile banking services.2. To formulate the blue ocean strategy from the canvas business model to increase the number of mobile banking users. This is a study on marketing mix concepts and the use of blue ocean strategies to increase mobile banking users.This research is a quantitative research. The research instrument was a questionnaire, the research sample consisted of people in the area of ​​Suwanakuha District. Nong Bua Lamphu Province, with a total of 400 people. Respondents gave the most importance to the marketing mix for service providers, 4.79%. and the least factor was physical characteristics and marketing promotion factors of 4.68% and from the analysis of the indigo water strategy and the canvas business model. Until able to formulate strategies for the azure waters 2 projects, namely the Phi Bong Nong project. and a comfortable corner project, Style A-Mobile.

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How to Cite
Maprayuen , A. . ., & Wayoopagtr, C. (2021). Application of Blue Ocean Strategy and Canvas Business Model for service users Increasing to Mobile Banking of Banking for Agriculture and AgriculTural Cooperatives Bank. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(1), 218–240. retrieved from
Research Article


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