Teaching English Vocabulary with Online Teaching Methods for Primary Grade Children

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Prempol Wibooncharoensuk
Napaporn Jiamtong


          Teaching English vocabulary is essential for learning English subject. This is because vocabulary is an important basic unit of language leading to further learning in English courses.
          The current situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic has resulted in schools needing to adjust the teaching style to suit the situation. Online teaching is an alternative form of teaching that many schools choose to use for learning activities.
          Furthermore, teaching English vocabulary with online teaching methods have a plan for teaching and learning to cover the content according to the learning objectives. It must also take into account the age-appropriateness of the learners at the primary grade children. It should provide instruction that encourages the development of students physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. An online learning platform should also be chosen that is consistent with the school context, considering the advantages and limitations of the programs or applications. Teaching methods as well as choosing a variety of teaching media to achieve good learning outcomes.


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How to Cite
Wibooncharoensuk , P. ., & Jiamtong, N. (2021). Teaching English Vocabulary with Online Teaching Methods for Primary Grade Children . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 384–396. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/251886
Academic Article


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