Comparison of Mathematics Learning Achievement on Length for Students in Prathomsuksa 2 Between Computer-Assisted Instruction “Mr. Long Banana Family” and Normal Teaching

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chomkawan passada
Kornwipha Sanpakitchamnong


          The purposes of this research were  to create and find the effectiveness of teaching by using computer-assisted instruction  in the topic of Length for students in Prathomsuksa 2 based on set of learning  “Mr.Long Banana family”. And, the study aimed to compare the Mathematics learning achievement on the topic of Length for students in Prathomsuksa 2 between computer-assisted instruction and the normal teaching. The respondent were 40 students in the first semester of 2021 academic year, Ladkrabang Community Housing School, which selected by Purposive Sampling. The research tools consisted of Mathematics lesson plan on Length “Mr.Long Banana family”, lesson plans about using computer-assisted instruction, the normal teaching method and set of achievement tests with multiple choice (4 options in totally 30 questions). The study analyzed data based on  statistics;  mean ( M) , standard deviation ( SD) , and independent t-test .
          The finding of the research found that
          1. The results of teaching based on computer-assisted instruction on Length of students in Prathomsuksa 2 at Ladkrabang Community Housing School Bangkok after studying based on set of learning “Mr.Long Banana family” presented effectiveness according to the standard criteria 75/75, which meet efficiency at 83.35 / 82.83.
          2. The finding of Mathematics learning achievement on Length for students in Prathomsuksa 2 based on computer-assisted instruction which compared to the normal teaching method, it was found that the students' learning achievement indicated significantly on post-test higher than pre-test at .01 level.

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How to Cite
passada, chomkawan, & Sanpakitchamnong, K. (2022). Comparison of Mathematics Learning Achievement on Length for Students in Prathomsuksa 2 Between Computer-Assisted Instruction “Mr. Long Banana Family” and Normal Teaching. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(2), 19–30. retrieved from
Research Article


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