Innovative Patterns and Production Technology of Large Paddy Fields Phak Mai Subdistrict, Huai Thap Than District Sisaket Province

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anon Tungpitakkrai
Patcharin Thanaritpaisan


          The objectives of this research were study:  1) Process and management of large rice fields in Phak Mai Subdistrict Huai Thap Than District Sisaket Province and 2) Innovation and production technology for large rice fields, Phak Mai Subdistrict, Huai Thap Than District Sisaket Province. This research is a qualitative research. The research tools were used: an in-depth interview form from the target group of 33 people and a small group discussion of 12 people and use a method of selective targeting from saturated contributors. Data were collected and presented by descriptive research results.
          A result of this study was found in the following aspects.
          1) The process and management of large rice fields in Phak Mai Subdistrict, Huai Thap Than District, Sisaket Province found that farmers in Phak Mai sub-district are grouped together in the form of a community enterprise group. The process and management of the group's major rice production has 15 steps, which are: (1) Selection of planting area (2) Selection of rice variety (3) Preparation of rice seed before planting (4) Soil preparation (5) Method of planting rice (6) Soil fertility management (7) There is a planting system to nourish the soil (8) There is weed control in the rice field (9) Disease prevention and pest control (10) Water management in the rice field (11) harvesting, threshing, moisture reduction, (12) storage of paddy after harvest, (13) rice milling, (14) production value enhancement, and (15) characteristics of rice sold or entered into a price guarantee scheme.      2) Innovation and production technology for large rice fields, Phak Mai Subdistrict, Huai Thap Than District Sisaket Province found that there was the use of modern technology as an innovation that helps in the management of large-field rice production, consisting of (1) Technology of solar water delivery systems (2) Technology of product maintenance by drones (3) Technology of rice grain color sorting machine (milling) (4) Technology of production of rice by using a dry rice planter (5) ) Seedling Machine Technology (6) Plowing machine/sprout technology (7) Packaging machine (8) Rice moisture percentage measurement technology (9) GPS technology (10) Tractor/tractor technology (11) combine harvester technology and (12) rice baler technology.


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How to Cite
Tungpitakkrai, anon, & Thanaritpaisan , P. . (2022). Innovative Patterns and Production Technology of Large Paddy Fields Phak Mai Subdistrict, Huai Thap Than District Sisaket Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 234–250. Retrieved from
Research Article


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