Healthy Public Policy: Strong People, Strong Economy and Strong Thailand

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Watinee Wongsaros
Panawan Premsri
Wanwipha Tailangkha
Phasakorn Dokchan


          On the basis of increasing the importance of the health system, it is imperative that Thailand have to prepare for the public health. This article aims to analyze the cycle of healthy public policy in Thailand, which focuses on the strategy of strong people, strong economy, and strong Thailand. The cycle of policy success has been carried out through the 20-year national strategic plan on public health. The first phase is the system reform; The Ministry of Public Health has declaration of strategy "Strong people, Strong economy, and Strong Thailand.” This strategy reflects on a holistic of health service system. There are various services integration. It is a strategy that close to the way of the community, also promote fairness and efficient use of resources. It has a good organize of a referral network for systematic care. There is a mechanism for managing policies and strategies to be able to drive into action through the process of making a government action plan. It is also used as a concrete operational framework. From the analysis of the cycle in the first phase, which is the system reform phase. It was found that The Ministry of Public Health has set the policy that giving importance to both the actors in the public policy process and a pattern of public policy analysis, and make policy decisions by choosing the most appropriate policy to achieve the objectives as required. Besides that, strategic issues, indicators and goals are reviewed on the basis of ethics, integrity and values, which can lead to continuous development in the next phase effectively.

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How to Cite
Wongsaros, W. ., Premsri, P., Tailangkha, W. . ., & Dokchan, P. . (2022). Healthy Public Policy: Strong People, Strong Economy and Strong Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 295–309. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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