Chak Phra Thang Nam Festival (The Procession of Hauling the Buddha Image in the River) at Khiriwong: Primary Causes and Current Changes

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Chettha Muhamad
Daycho Khaenamkhaew


          This academic paper is part of the research on Towing a monk boat through the water: Development,  rituals, persistence, and participation in conservation. This article’s objective to study primary causes and current changes of chak phra thang  nam festival (the procession of hauling the buddha image in the river) at khiriwong community. The results of the study found that: The Khiriwong Community is a historic community that is recognized as Thailand's best air community. Gardening is the primary employment of the inhabitants in the village. It is a traditional way of life surrounded by natural beauty, and the river, This is consistent with the Khiriwong community's ritual of the procession of hauling the buddha image in the river. Since the construction of the monk boat, the ceremony of the royal boat ceremony and activities to wrap up boiled snacks This is done after Buddhist Lent Day, which falls on the first day of the waning moon of the 11th lunar month, or a monk boat called "Phanom Phra" is paraded along the river in the Khiriwong community for conservation, wisdom transmission, and inducing people in the community to see the importance of local traditions. In conclusion in 1) To coordinate the preservation and existence of the tradition 2) It can become a source of tourism in the community, and 3) To add value to the community economy within the social and cultural context.

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How to Cite
Muhamad , C. ., & Khaenamkhaew, D. (2022). Chak Phra Thang Nam Festival (The Procession of Hauling the Buddha Image in the River) at Khiriwong: Primary Causes and Current Changes. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 336–346. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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