Ballroom Dance and Stress Relief in the Elderly

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Chirawut Achariyacheevin
Chairat Choosakul


          This academic article aims to present the exercises with ballroom dance. To relieve the stress of the elderly It presents the history of ballroom dance, ballroom dance exercises for the elderly and stress in the elderly. Regular physical activity with ballroom dance is beneficial both physically and mentally in older adults with physical decline. This will be another option of exercise suitable for the elderly. With stress problems which ballroom dance can be used as a guideline to exercise to improve both physical health and the minds of the elderly as well.

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How to Cite
Achariyacheevin, . C. ., & Choosakul, C. . (2022). Ballroom Dance and Stress Relief in the Elderly. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 310–320. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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