Impact and Coping Strategies in Online Learning of Students Under the Circumstances on Covid-19 Pandemic

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Rattanawat Penrattanahiran
Anuruk Tantong


          The purposes of this study were 1) to analyze students' opinions towards the impact and coping strategies in online learning of students under the circumstances on Covid-19 pandemic, and 2) to study students' recommendations towards the guidelines for improving the quality of online teaching under the circumstances on Covid-19 pandemic, the sample consisted of 358 undergraduate students. The random sampling was simple random sampling. The research instrument is open-ended questions was qualitative research. The data were analyzed by content analysis.
         The results were as follows:
          1. Students’ opinions to impact and coping strategies in online learning such as, 1) online learning has a negative impact of tiredness, ache, eye strain, lack of interaction with peers, lack of interaction, boredom, stress, feeling tired, loneliness, less enthusiasm, and lack of concentration. 2) strategies for coping with boredom, stress, and anxiety in online learning such as, playing with pets, playing games, listening to music, watching movies, taking a break, moving, and changing places to study. and 3) strategies for coping with online learning such as, studying additional information from the internet, concentrating, taking notes, reading, revision, and searching by oneself.
          2. Students’ suggestions to guidelines for improving the quality of teachers’ online teaching such as, 1) the teaching should be active learning with interactive activities, focus on students to more participate, there is a variety of techniques and instruction media. 2) reducing study hours, reducing workload, reducing group work, and reducing exams, and 3) teaching concisely, reducing lectures, explaining easily, and more examples.


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Penrattanahiran , R. ., & Tantong, A. . (2022). Impact and Coping Strategies in Online Learning of Students Under the Circumstances on Covid-19 Pandemic . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(4), 208–233. Retrieved from
Research Article


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