Water Resource Management of the Khon Kaen Water Management Committee in the Downstream Area of Ubolratana Dam

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Teeraphat Takong
Grichawat Lowatcharin


          Effective water resource management is crucial for providing water to meet the growing demand for water. If poorly managed, it can result in floods or droughts. This research aimed to the water management in the area at the downstream of the Ubolratana Dam, the problems of the water management and guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of water resource management. This research used a case study methodology. Data were collected from eight informants, divided into five members of the Water Resources Sub-Committee of Khon Kaen Province and three people living in the downstream area of Ubolratana Dam. The researcher employed content analysis and the triangulation technique.
          The results showed that the Khon Kaen Provincial Water Resources Subcommittee in the downstream area of Ubolratana Dam was the mechanism for water management. The subcommittee integrates various government agencies, reflecting a horizontal cross-jurisdiction intergovernmental relations. Moreover, a network of local administrative organizations and private organizations also involved in planning, budgeting, project development, and emergency management. At present, there has no conflict in the collaboration among different sectors. However, participation of the general public in water resource management is relatively low and there is difficulty in access to information. Therefore, this research suggests that the management mechanism should include representatives from the citizenry, non-government organization, and the watershed networks. The subcommittee should also adopt a variety of communication channels to make access to information more effortless and timely.

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How to Cite
Takong , T. ., & Lowatcharin, G. . (2022). Water Resource Management of the Khon Kaen Water Management Committee in the Downstream Area of Ubolratana Dam. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 222–233. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/254626
Research Article


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