The Effect of Music Activities Through Online Lessons to Develop the Rhythmic Musical Skills in Autistic Children

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kittisak siengdee
Anchalee Bunjantuek


          This research is to study the effect of music activities through online lessons to develop the rhythmic musical skills in autistic children. This study was quasi experimental research, and a t-test for dependent sample used to compare the Assessment results the rhythmic musical skills of autistic children before and after being taught with music activities through the online lessons. The sample of research is a Grade One at the Special Children’s Education Center at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level).
          The sample were four autistic children at the school, selected by the purposive sampling method. The research instruments included 1) The music activities through online lessons 2) Musical activities plan 3) Skill Assessment activities the rhythmic musical skills before and after being taught 4) Skill Assessment form the rhythmic musical skills before and after being taught. The results found that the achievements of autistic children taught using music activities, were significantly higher than before the music activities through online lessons at a .05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
siengdee, kittisak, & Bunjantuek, A. (2022). The Effect of Music Activities Through Online Lessons to Develop the Rhythmic Musical Skills in Autistic Children. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 14–22. Retrieved from
Research Article


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